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How to avoid Microsoft Dynamics implementation risks: Part 2 of 2

As a business leader, you know the importance of risk management in your organization.

Managing and mitigating risk are no different with an ERP implementation, such as a move to Microsoft Dynamics Business Central or GP.

With thoughtful and careful planning, and having the right partners around the table, ERP implementation risks can be lessened and even avoided.   

In the first article in this series, we covered how running over-budget, unexpected delays, and insufficient testing are three common risks that need to be considered early on in your process.

In the second half of this series, we outline the importance of managing your data, customizations, and employee training to minimize or avoid risk.

Risk: Missing data and bad data

Migrating data from your old system to your new Microsoft Dynamics ERP system is one of the most important steps in an ERP implementation. Carrying over your existing data and information to your new system is what allows your organization to continue operations, save time and resources.

If you don’t migrate clean, relevant data from your old system into your new ERP, it can lead to substantial issues for your team. Bad data or missing data makes it difficult, or even impossible, for your employees to test and work with the new ERP system. It can lead to distrust of the new system and further errors, causing delays in adopting this new way of doing business.

The Joesoftware approach to this risk: Before any data migration begins, it is important to clean up relevant data in your old system. Joesoftware will work with your team to determine what data is critical to your new system and ongoing operations.

It isn’t always necessary to migrate all of the data from your old system – just the information and intelligence that you need going forward. For example, open purchase orders or accounts receivables are critical data and information, but perhaps closed purchase orders and invoices from previous years are not critical going forward.

The Joesoftware team will help you determine how much historical information you need in your new Dynamics ERP system. We will work with you to ensure your data is clean and properly formatted before you transition to Business Central or GP.

Risk: Too many customizations and features

If Business Central or GP are customized too much, or if too many extra features are added to your ERP, there can be an increased risk of future issues.

Let us be clear – customization is necessary in most implementations as every business is unique. Customizing your ERP ensures Business Central or GP works for your operations today and in the future.

However, having an excessive number of customizations can be challenging when there are future software updates from Microsoft. Updates can break your customizations, resulting in business disruptions or further development work.

The Joesoftware approach to this risk: Joesoftware believes in thoughtful, smart advance planning. We will collaborate with your team to identify and address your needs and the potential for future challenges before we think about how we customize your system to you. We may ask you to consider adapting some of your processes so they are more aligned with your new ERP.

Risk: Employees not engaged nor properly trained

Joesoftware will make sure your Microsoft Dynamics Business Central or GP system is appropriately customized and ready for your organization. However, if your employees aren’t onside with the move to a new system, or if they aren’t well trained in your new ERP, time and effort will be lost.

When employees don’t embrace your ERP and/or receive inadequate training in how to use the new system, your ERP may not be used consistently. Reaching this point can be frustrating after considerable time and effort has been invested in bringing your Dynamics ERP on line.

The Joesoftware approach to this risk: This is a risk that can be avoided with thoughtful, advance planning. Knowing this could be a possibility empowers your organization’s leadership and implementation partner.

It is important to get buy-in with key employees early in the implementation process. Our team will help you prepare your employees for the upcoming changes, and we will provide your people with the training they need to be successful. We will set up some employees as early adopters, so they can help train their colleagues and others.

If you are considering a move to Business Central or GP, Joesoftware is ready to help. We are an experienced Microsoft Dynamics implementation partner in Alberta, British Columbia and elsewhere. We will give you a thoughtful implementation plan that considers and prepares for all possible risks, and we will be by your side throughout the execution. Let’s get the conversation started.