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5 more best practices moving GP to Business Central

Is your organization thinking about making the transition from GP to Business Central?

Even if a transition is still just at the idea stage, there are several steps you should keep in mind before you make the leap.

Joesoftware is a trusted advisor to businesses, organizations and nonprofits of different sizes when they make the transition to Business Central.

In a previous blog post, we shared 6 best practices we recommend our clients complete before they make the move from GP to Business Central.

In this post, our team gives you 5 more best practices to consider before, during and after the transition to help you realize the power and potential of Business Central.

  1. Leverage the power of extensions and add-ons.

    Business Central offers incredible power and capacity with the large ecosystem of extensions and add-ons available today and in the future. The right extensions and applications can give you increased functionality and industry-specific solutions tailored to your business and industry. Take the time to identify and evaluate the ones that are compatible with your business and your long-term needs.

  2. Test thoroughly before going live.

    Test, test and test again. It is critical to perform rigorous testing of all migrated data, customizations and integrations in a test environment before you go live with Business Central. This step may add more time to the transition, but it will minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition in the long run.

  3. Establish your Business Central support and maintenance plan.

    It is important to identify ahead of time the internal or external resources available for ongoing system management, updates and troubleshooting. It is also important to evaluate how your system is performing, listen to feedback from employees, and be ready to address and resolve any concerns that may arise. Joesoftware performs this important role for many of our Business Central clients.

  4. Communicate and manage change effectively.

    Changing your ERP system is a major effort for most organizations, impacting employees in all areas. To help your team get through the transition, a comprehensive change management strategy can be helpful. This strategy can address cultural and organizational shifts, ongoing communications about the rationale behind the change and the expected benefits, and continued support for employees. When a change is well managed, it can mitigate any potential disruptions and lead to greater employee satisfaction.

  5. Monitor and optimize how Business Central is performing.

    After you’ve made the transition to Business Central, you need to invest time and effort into continuously monitoring and evaluating the system’s performance. Take advantage of Business Central’s reporting and analytics capabilities to gain greater insights into your business operations. Assess how the system is performing against your goals and objectives. Make adjustments to the system to optimize efficiency and productivity.

If your organization is thinking about moving to Business Central from GP, or from any other ERP system, Joesoftware can help. And if your organization is a current GP customer looking to transition to Business Central, Microsoft has a limited-time offer for a 40% discount on Business Central licensing for 3 years! Contact us for more details.

If you are looking for the right partner and a trusted advisor, the Joesoftware team is ready to work for you.